Monday, March 29, 2010

the best and worse thing about being Sheriff of Area 5.

The best thing would be the recognition. I have spent many, many, many years working my way through the vampire political hierarchy to earn my place as Sheriff. I've shed a lot of blood, both my own and that of others, but I've won my battles, and I have earned the title I hold. I have an Area many envy with a large number of vampires who owe me fealty, and for the most part, I am well respected and valued by them. It is rewarding and I am proud of all that I hold.

The worst part of being Sheriff of Area Five would easily be the constant work I have to do. I have very little time to myself, not that I should expect anything less, but it often keeps me from doing what I truly desire to do. I constantly have something that needs to be done, often long before I do it, and for every task I complete, two new ones are waiting impatiently for my attention. It is unending, but at the same time, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Ask a Viking vampire what inquiring minds wish to know

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